dikw ... as a formula?

draft ch12 Scheper

review, reformulation and analysis

- Topic: Dikw-


(X*X+X)♾ = data, unprocessed at infinitum 
(X*X + X)

x*x= quantitative data = sheer volume of inputs 

X = qualitative data = singular source that has scaffold value attached (something you just know, that gut hunch, ABC observations, dashcams, you know where the unprocessed data is coming from but not what the data is)

The infinity symbol represents the data that your brain completely ignores, think "the gorilla suit experiment".


Symbol notation for filtering something.

Y represents prior scaffolding, which cannot be ignored. We do not live in a vaccum. I think the educational theory is called Constructivism. I want to say there is a physics principle at play with this as well, but can't remember when or where I read it.

Meaning is where it gets sticky, meaning is subjective and biased.

Once meaning is applied though there is a cascading mental run, from an evolutionary stand point, which would probably be a cost benefit analysis of action vs inaction on a primal level, then a secondary sort of tribal inclusivity vs individualism and ostracizm.

 (I am mostly biased towards western thinking here and thinking on the road).

Study sources

A three dimensional mindmap... aka Zettelkasten or Antinet. - antinet style zettelkasten via @Scott P. Scheper  
info: https://zettelkasten.de/posts/introduction-antinet-zettelkasten/


Sincerely,*Coyote Sis
"You say nothing is sacred.
You say everything is sacred.
You ready to juggle some bricks?
Where do you always turn left?


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